The News CCIX shows us how easy it was to fish for fish soup de 'Cerchi, warned by a servant of the existence of an eel at the source where it washed the dishes, can not resist the idea of \u200b\u200beating it. Man, despite being forced to hide from creditors, decides to go along with the woman to catch the fish:
"The Soup, hearing this, for now if you started the sleeves, said: - For sure, if I had to be taken I do not I would keep that I do not go out. It had taken a house that bucinetto To catch flounder at holes, went to that source and took with him the maid, however, that he averebbe not seen the buffalo in the snow, not that the eel in the source.
And saying to the maid:
- Think of you?
She said yes, and he tells them how she ought to use that bucine.
The maid, obedient, in just now pulled up in bucine, and 'the soup so if the network went to the hand, saying: - Pan! "
The greed of man will soon be punished because the source is waiting for two men who on behalf of creditors forced him to pay the debt: "It 's Soup, for fear of not v'essere struck off for others, just found a way to pay, and thus cost him dear eel.."
In this episode we see how easy it was to draw no limits in the streams, creeks, small ponds everywhere crossed with the cultivated land: this is because in many cases the common law guaranteed to all of the financial year fishing. Over time, however, this activity was subject to progressive restrictions that limit the exercise. The restrictions did not affect the character of the popular fishing we said. The fish was caught that is consumed by the common people; in Trecentonovelle we see how this food is accessible to the less fortunate: it is caught by a humble innkeeper ( CCXVI ) or served on the board of families with limited resources ( CCI).
This solution was dictated not so much by the desire to protect the property and the nature, namely fish, needs to be defended from exploitation too intense when it came to meet in full and late medieval period, because of the population [...]
"The Soup, hearing this, for now if you started the sleeves, said: - For sure, if I had to be taken I do not I would keep that I do not go out. It had taken a house that bucinetto To catch flounder at holes, went to that source and took with him the maid, however, that he averebbe not seen the buffalo in the snow, not that the eel in the source.
And saying to the maid:
- Think of you?
She said yes, and he tells them how she ought to use that bucine.
The maid, obedient, in just now pulled up in bucine, and 'the soup so if the network went to the hand, saying: - Pan! "
The greed of man will soon be punished because the source is waiting for two men who on behalf of creditors forced him to pay the debt: "It 's Soup, for fear of not v'essere struck off for others, just found a way to pay, and thus cost him dear eel.."
In this episode we see how easy it was to draw no limits in the streams, creeks, small ponds everywhere crossed with the cultivated land: this is because in many cases the common law guaranteed to all of the financial year fishing. Over time, however, this activity was subject to progressive restrictions that limit the exercise. The restrictions did not affect the character of the popular fishing we said. The fish was caught that is consumed by the common people; in Trecentonovelle we see how this food is accessible to the less fortunate: it is caught by a humble innkeeper ( CCXVI ) or served on the board of families with limited resources ( CCI).
This solution was dictated not so much by the desire to protect the property and the nature, namely fish, needs to be defended from exploitation too intense when it came to meet in full and late medieval period, because of the population [...]
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