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Franco Sacchetti

Franco Sacchetti born at Ragusa in Dalmatia between 1332 and 1334. The son of a Florentine merchant, exerted an early age the mercatura forming a company together with Antonio Antonio Corradi bags and lasted until 1254.
bag was a practical man, educated, rather than at school, in contact with different environments. He lived at a time when the great flourishing of literature in the vernacular had come to the absence of major masterpieces throughout the century from the death of Boccaccio (1375) to the rooms of Poliziano (1475) was defined paraphrasing the formula of the Cross " century without poetry. "
limits of his cultural upbringing prevented him from seeing that the crisis was due to the rise of Humanism and companies linked to it. His entire poetic production tends to retrace earlier literary models.
In the years between '52 and '54 he composed his first literary work, The Battle of women in Florence, with the old, in eighth poem that elaborates on four grounds cantari bawdy. And in '54 he married Felice Strozzi, who bore him several children. He began to compose
hunts in '63, then picked up madrigals and ballads in his Book of rhymes, poems by adding those of moral inspiration or civilian who wrote mature age and old age. The work is arranged according to a strictly chronological sequence: they are treated in a conventional manner the moralistic theme, that love, music production, while significant are some experiments that sometimes comical nonsense burchiellesco happily anticipate.
remained in Florence in 1363, after traveling in Italy and abroad for his business, he had political office by the City of Florence and other communities outside of Florence was also ambassador to Bologna (1376), with Bernabo Visconti (1382), a member of the mercy of Eight (1383), Prior (1384), mayor of Bibbiena (1385), Portico di Romagna (1398-99) and San Miniato (where he probably wrote his most famous work and died in 1400 possibly plague). With 49 chapters of
Esposizioni dei Vangeli (Sposizioni dei Vangeli, 1378-1381), scritto in un periodo di lutti familiari e di gravi incertezze politiche (la morte della moglie nel ’77 e il tumulto dei Ciompi nel ’78), il Sacchetti si aprì alla prosa, a una nuova forma espressiva che raggiunse gli esiti più alti con il Trecentonovelle . L'opera, che viene conservata nel manoscritto del codice Magliabechiano VI, 112 (fino alla novella CXXXIX) nella Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze e nel codice Laurenziano XLII, 12 (dalla novella CXL in poi), piuttosto danneggiata, venne data alle stampe da A. M. Biscioni a cura di G. Bottari nel 1724 . La raccolta, che quasi certamente fu progettata dal Sacchetti durante il suo incarico di priore nel 1385 Bibbiena, was written in early 1392 during the podestà of San Miniato to be developed at various times between 1393 and his death. It contains, as it has been kept, duecentoventotto short stories, some of which are incomplete.
The work begins with an introduction in which the author states his intentions: the model of Boccaccio, Sacchetti collected all the stories from ancient to modern, as well as some in which he was the protagonist. The text, which is built on dell'exemplum type, refers to the Decameron, but also the oral tradition of the people, and is written in a language that reflects dialects, slang words, ways of speaking and with considerable freedom syntactic character. It derives from the work so
autobiography and a marked predisposition moralistic sense, that is explained by the author himself when he says it will take Dante as a model "that when he had to deal with virtue and praise of others, he spoke, and when and he had to say 'faults and blame others, say it face to the spirits. "
there is to say, that while the bags to resume more or less openly the reasons bawdy, his style comes off considerably from the art of narration typical of the latter, to give life to work in many ways completely different the Decameron. The stories in fact are not included in a "frame story", but unfold freely without following any single project content. Bags tradition goes back to the thirteenth century rather disorganized collection of archaic type, showing a marked taste for the anecdotal narrative, humorous and realistic. The stories, almost all of the Florentine setting, dealing with the power of the lord or the common theme of the joke, and tell of the adventures of a professional jester or burlatori hand. In this context is of particular importance to the comedy of insult, which will be vital in the Florentine popular culture for the entire next century. Some stories are dedicated to famous figures of the time, as Bernabo Visconti, William of Castelbarco Martino della Scala, Ludovico Gonzaga and an entire cycle to Dolcibene jester. Almost all of the stories reported in the so-called moralisatio conclusion, where the author criticizes the greed and hypocrisy, condemns the clergy, magistrates, corrupt and bloated women to highlight the honesty, intelligence and humor . The author against women feeds a real mistrust (these always in a bad light: the woman for the bag is only useful if you have the economic and family).
The great innovation of the bag is to act as narrator of his novels, and in narrowing the distance between narrator and then to the recipient. He therefore takes the story in a more limited number of municipal life, telling the stories of characters and curious cases of small events of everyday life, urban world of the minute. So, absent any overall design of the whole, every story has the flavor of something that happened and is an opportunity to deduce from the reality not only a moral teaching, but also specific details on the dietary habits of the characters. Therefore will use the work as a source for the history of food in the Middle Ages by referring to the following: F. Sacchetti, The Trecentonovelle, edited by E. Faccioli, Turin, Einaudi, 1970.
writing out the order, I used as a reference text of V. Mouchet, Food in medieval tales of reality, symbol and narrative in "The savory eloquence. Rhetoric of food and food rhetorical ", edited by C. Spila, Bulzoni, Rome 2004, p. 89-112.


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