Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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Trecentonovelle This is not just a collection of short stories appear in their casual evidence of facts and stories tend to weld or nell'incisività dell'aneddoto color of a figurative representation: it is much more. It is also an effective vehicle to rebuild the people's living habits of the Middle Ages, especially those in the supply and the incidence concrete, everyday, that economic and social structure had on the lives of men.
The history of food, at least until a few years ago, for Italy, to studies by Massimo Montanari, has been studied in disciplines "surgically" separate, often do not communicate with each other, the result of research in selected areas was to give an account in detail of individual aspects, without addressing the problems uniformly. The work led to the writing of this essay is provided by its search for a source that could, alone and within a defined space-time context, to give an overall picture of how he lived the relationship between man and the food. In this perspective, the collection of bags is exemplary through a cross section of late medieval society, the author provides us with a series of elements that is impossible to separate; you can not choose one aspect to another for the pleasure to analyze: the physiological aspects, economic, social, religious and psychological aspects are interrelated and all harbingers of an interpretation that goes beyond the "farcical story" and that hides deep cultural and symbolic meanings. Has proved very useful for a historical approach to the news, the text of G. Cherubini, life in fourteenth-century novels of John Sercambi, in "Lords, peasants, bourgeois. Research on Italian society of the Middle Ages, "The New Italy Editrice, Florence 1974.
The characters described by Sacchetti, almost always intent to carry out their productive activities, with their gestures and their habits, constitute a paradigm to explore the remarkable history of food. Represent ideal situations and behaviors in order to move into newer historiographical approaches, which are not exhausted in the reconstruction of enterprises of great men, but are also interested in the structures of everyday life, which belong to the people's eating habits.
Within these structures, the minimum life situations of everyday life must have something, a sense of order. If they can show properties in relation to other historical events, events or cycles, they are actually far from static, even if you develop in a time much slower, the time long structures, such as Fernand Braudel pointed out. In reality, the everyday gestures change with all that is related to them. The structures of everyday life are clinging to history. If we consider first the Greeks and then the Romans, they dined lying on the beds, but the early Middle Ages in the West have abandoned that position, sitting to eat. This change of attitude is not isolated from other changes occurring in parallel: then releasing the left hand, the sitting position has allowed large chunks of flesh cut with knives, just then appearing on the table. And certainly not a coincidence that these "meat eaters" were even those who introduced the use of a fork. The daily life of the novels has made it possible to shed light on some peculiar aspects of food consumption: the relationship between humans and the environment, the usefulness of the figures of trade in the processing and sale of food, cooking techniques food recipes detectors and using tools and texture them.
These are the keys with which he tackled the theme of food in the Middle Ages especially in Tuscany, which are set most of the stories of the bag. The
Trecentonovelle has given us the image of a society where the activity economy was still predominantly agriculture and where most residents were farmers or artisans. In fact, these centuries of mercantile expansion, manufacturing and urbanization have seen on the structures of society remain the same: generally the products traded, which is processed in its raw state, came from the cultivation or breeding. Forestry and agriculture offered almost all raw materials to shape, as a whole was still minimal because of the importance of metals in economic life.
The first part will focus on the elaborate and animals on its farm because they were one of the food resources (not only) plus is important for farming families and for the more affluent classes. I will consider the role that has served the pork, the food par excellence of the medieval period, focusing on the mutation of farming techniques that shines in the transition between the high and late Middle Ages, the difficulties regarding the slaughter of ' animal due to lack of familiarity of figures are not intended for the profession and the tools used for the purpose. Emerge but also indicative parameters on the weight of the animals, their physical features, the actions of their masters. Inevitably provide, in addition, to further considerations also the versatility of its parts and anecdotes relating to accommodation and preservation of the pig.
I will then deal the role of sheep in the household, emphasizing the importance of the sheep, unlike pigs, was also very useful from a living as a supplier of milk and wool. I will focus here on breeding of animals and how their meat was considered by the municipality. It is also interesting to note that the consumption of this food was marked by rituals connected with liturgies that went beyond the economy and the livelihood of families. Another aspect to be taken into account will cover food products: the impact of milk in the society described by the bag and the role that covered the cheese both as a food in itself and as a bargaining chip for the markets.
With regard to farm animals, however, they constitute a valuable resource for the needs of family farmers. Some enjoyed a reputation as to be served on occasions of celebration for the taste and texture of their meat. We will see, also, that every religious festival will custom cook a different animal. In this regard one can not overlook the role of eggs, food rich, healthy and nutritious food that often, apart from being consumed by the farmers (it is impossible to determine the amount), was for them an additional source of income, since it does not disdain to sell on city \u200b\u200bmarkets.
Another important resource was made from wildlife that roamed in undisturbed forests. If the farmers had an additional source to supplement their diet for young noblemen his capture was also a military training ground, through hunting, in fact, learned to use weapons.
then treat the animal capture techniques: try to understand, through the testimony of the novels, which was the most sought after game, and what were the scene of the hunt. I will focus also on the systems used by farmers to capture the animals and then putting them in relation to those used by the upper classes. The comparison is possible since the approach was totally opposed to hunting.
The stories also provide us with relevant details for us to review what were the most sought after animals, and what most feared.
If hunting was a major resource, the fishing was no less: the ease with which this product was captured and the goodness of some species made it a particularly popular food. Therefore it seemed appropriate to focus on its wide availability and its trade: in effect, a commodity available to all, both in indoor freshwater into the sea, could not be sold in large quantities on the market stalls and fishmongers. But the fish was also food connotations strongly religious abstinence from meat during Lent it was the most sought after dish. On this theme, the Trecentonovelle gives us a testimonial about how they were accepted by the population of those requirements. The novels are also very useful to determine what were the case, reputed at the time, most succulent and what methods are best used to catch them.
Men do not only fed animals. There were less tasty product, which still provides a daily intake above all on the tables of peasants, that is produce. The stories examined give us information about their location, what vegetables were grown and what take steps to prepare sauces or soups. In some cases, the widespread use leads us to consider issues that go beyond the mere consumption, such as the proper preservation over time, the healing or symbolic meanings. The stories also show us the richest intent on frugal meals by questioning the conventional wisdom that were thought to be reserved for poor food. The main difference was that for them constitute a variation, while the poorest was the daily subsistence.
will notice, then, that the impulse market with the consumption of vegetables was no longer limited to the producers: the marketing of these products became dynamic, both in the markets more distant (when vegetables were not too easily perishable) and, especially, in trade between the countryside and nearby towns.
are also interesting indications regarding the means of maintenance of the plants, especially because they confirm the relative closeness between arable fields and the garden.
Regarding the role of fruit, but the news is little help to understand that it was appreciated by people of all social strata. Unquestionably for the poor, the consumption of fruit was still a marginal value, they will use it only if they planted some fruit trees in their gardens, while the nobles they were widely used especially in occasions. Ultimately, the fruit still covered the role of a niche product for fine tastes of the aristocracy could only enjoy it regularly.
If the fruit was considered food for the rich, it can not be said for the sweet chestnut, especially for those living in mountainous areas, helped to provide significant calories to their meals. In this regard, we will see what systems the chestnuts were kept and how they were consumed.
Reading the stories, then, shows the vital role of wine, a resource of great importance for its nutritional value, medicinal and liturgical, not to mention its spread "Cross" in society and its great importance in promoting conviviality.
will try to understand what standards are aligned on the quality of the drink, what criteria was kept and consumed, and the possible economic consequences flowing from it. I will then
of trade figures, figures who had the task of transforming the food or to sell them. Observe that the work was carried out on food has been an excellent opportunity to better understand the mechanisms of the society of food.
The oldest picture in this area was that of the host: the bag describes the tasks, the types of food offered to customers without leaving even details on its nature, useful for understanding even those who frequented the taverns.
Then I will focus on the craft of the baker, one of the most interesting, and he had a very important role because they cook the mixture prepared by the women at home, packed some loaves of bread as well as for travelers or for those who could not provide alone. If we think that he maintained the right temperature during baking without having to provision or clock or thermometer, you realize how delicate was his business. Sacchetti, describing overworked, gives due importance within the urban center. Observing the baker, then you could understand many things: for example the eating habits of the people, observe which foods were commissioned (because it was not cooked in ovens only bread but also meat and fish), even the economic situation of a country.
If the baker had the task of cooking the bread, the miller, however, was the one who was skilled in getting the complicated machinery of the mill. But the bags rather than praise or provide technical details on this business, focuses on the ability of dishonest millers, who were perceived dishonest, lazy and superficial. Their bad reputation was a decisive factor against artisans indispensable, but a little 'marginal.
A leading role was the butcher, who sold all those animals named above, and subject breeding. The reading of the novel allows us to understand what types of meat and especially in what were the most popular times of the year. Worthy of note are the details on the places that were used to market and the discharge of animal waste. Noteworthy are also the information about the activities of butchers: describes the procedures for the slaughter of animals (especially pork), but also details emerge on a job that was often practiced at home. They appear, moreover, a number of places where the meat is traded: kiosks, shops, taverns and even on the shelves of the fruit, each with different characteristics.
is also important the role of the gardener: le novelle ci forniscono indicazioni sulle opinioni dell’epoca in merito alla vite da trapiantare e sulla qualità del prodotto ottenuto. Affiorano particolari anche sui luoghi adibiti all’innesto e alle tecniche di manutenzione della pianta. Il Sacchetti sottolinea, poi, le diverse scelte dei nobili che, per motivi di prestigio, cercavano vitigni di valore al di fuori della regione d’appartenenza.
Infine l’analisi si sposta sulla tecniche di cottura dei cibi, sugli ingredienti utilizzati, sulle ricette e sui condimenti. Spicca anche l’importanza attribuita all’estetica della cucina, dove il piacere della sorpresa e dei colori erano tenuti in grande considerazione. Si apprende, per di più, come si cucinavano the various dishes, with which foods were combined or trimmed and evaluating how the characters.
I extended my attention on the tools of the kitchen. I dealt with the fireplace / chimney, trying to figure out where it was placed, what materials were built and if they were tools used to govern the fire. Then I looked at the pots, graters, containers and all utensils appointed: this work has proved useful because it gave me more metrics about the food prepared. The use of certain foods to me, however, suggested the use of certain items missing from inside the news.
Finally, my attention has been focused on what furnishings venivano adoperate durante il pasto; interessante è stato apprendere come sedie, tavoli e il vasellame da cucina, non solo denotavano una gerarchia nella società, ma anche all’interno della famiglia.
La lettura del Trecentonovelle ci offre preziose informazioni sulla cucina medievale, fondendo nozioni provenienti dalla vita e dall’esperienza quotidiana, dalla cultura medica o dall’ambito religioso, ed evidenzia le caratteristiche del genere stesso e il metodo di lavoro del Sacchetti, che ha abilmente amalgamato contributi provenienti da sfere culturali diverse e ricostruito con buona dovizia di particolari l’affascinante e ricco mondo gastronomico del basso Medioevo.

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Franco Sacchetti

Franco Sacchetti born at Ragusa in Dalmatia between 1332 and 1334. The son of a Florentine merchant, exerted an early age the mercatura forming a company together with Antonio Antonio Corradi bags and lasted until 1254.
bag was a practical man, educated, rather than at school, in contact with different environments. He lived at a time when the great flourishing of literature in the vernacular had come to the absence of major masterpieces throughout the century from the death of Boccaccio (1375) to the rooms of Poliziano (1475) was defined paraphrasing the formula of the Cross " century without poetry. "
limits of his cultural upbringing prevented him from seeing that the crisis was due to the rise of Humanism and companies linked to it. His entire poetic production tends to retrace earlier literary models.
In the years between '52 and '54 he composed his first literary work, The Battle of women in Florence, with the old, in eighth poem that elaborates on four grounds cantari bawdy. And in '54 he married Felice Strozzi, who bore him several children. He began to compose
hunts in '63, then picked up madrigals and ballads in his Book of rhymes, poems by adding those of moral inspiration or civilian who wrote mature age and old age. The work is arranged according to a strictly chronological sequence: they are treated in a conventional manner the moralistic theme, that love, music production, while significant are some experiments that sometimes comical nonsense burchiellesco happily anticipate.
remained in Florence in 1363, after traveling in Italy and abroad for his business, he had political office by the City of Florence and other communities outside of Florence was also ambassador to Bologna (1376), with Bernabo Visconti (1382), a member of the mercy of Eight (1383), Prior (1384), mayor of Bibbiena (1385), Portico di Romagna (1398-99) and San Miniato (where he probably wrote his most famous work and died in 1400 possibly plague). With 49 chapters of
Esposizioni dei Vangeli (Sposizioni dei Vangeli, 1378-1381), scritto in un periodo di lutti familiari e di gravi incertezze politiche (la morte della moglie nel ’77 e il tumulto dei Ciompi nel ’78), il Sacchetti si aprì alla prosa, a una nuova forma espressiva che raggiunse gli esiti più alti con il Trecentonovelle . L'opera, che viene conservata nel manoscritto del codice Magliabechiano VI, 112 (fino alla novella CXXXIX) nella Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze e nel codice Laurenziano XLII, 12 (dalla novella CXL in poi), piuttosto danneggiata, venne data alle stampe da A. M. Biscioni a cura di G. Bottari nel 1724 . La raccolta, che quasi certamente fu progettata dal Sacchetti durante il suo incarico di priore nel 1385 Bibbiena, was written in early 1392 during the podestà of San Miniato to be developed at various times between 1393 and his death. It contains, as it has been kept, duecentoventotto short stories, some of which are incomplete.
The work begins with an introduction in which the author states his intentions: the model of Boccaccio, Sacchetti collected all the stories from ancient to modern, as well as some in which he was the protagonist. The text, which is built on dell'exemplum type, refers to the Decameron, but also the oral tradition of the people, and is written in a language that reflects dialects, slang words, ways of speaking and with considerable freedom syntactic character. It derives from the work so
autobiography and a marked predisposition moralistic sense, that is explained by the author himself when he says it will take Dante as a model "that when he had to deal with virtue and praise of others, he spoke, and when and he had to say 'faults and blame others, say it face to the spirits. "
there is to say, that while the bags to resume more or less openly the reasons bawdy, his style comes off considerably from the art of narration typical of the latter, to give life to work in many ways completely different the Decameron. The stories in fact are not included in a "frame story", but unfold freely without following any single project content. Bags tradition goes back to the thirteenth century rather disorganized collection of archaic type, showing a marked taste for the anecdotal narrative, humorous and realistic. The stories, almost all of the Florentine setting, dealing with the power of the lord or the common theme of the joke, and tell of the adventures of a professional jester or burlatori hand. In this context is of particular importance to the comedy of insult, which will be vital in the Florentine popular culture for the entire next century. Some stories are dedicated to famous figures of the time, as Bernabo Visconti, William of Castelbarco Martino della Scala, Ludovico Gonzaga and an entire cycle to Dolcibene jester. Almost all of the stories reported in the so-called moralisatio conclusion, where the author criticizes the greed and hypocrisy, condemns the clergy, magistrates, corrupt and bloated women to highlight the honesty, intelligence and humor . The author against women feeds a real mistrust (these always in a bad light: the woman for the bag is only useful if you have the economic and family).
The great innovation of the bag is to act as narrator of his novels, and in narrowing the distance between narrator and then to the recipient. He therefore takes the story in a more limited number of municipal life, telling the stories of characters and curious cases of small events of everyday life, urban world of the minute. So, absent any overall design of the whole, every story has the flavor of something that happened and is an opportunity to deduce from the reality not only a moral teaching, but also specific details on the dietary habits of the characters. Therefore will use the work as a source for the history of food in the Middle Ages by referring to the following: F. Sacchetti, The Trecentonovelle, edited by E. Faccioli, Turin, Einaudi, 1970.
writing out the order, I used as a reference text of V. Mouchet, Food in medieval tales of reality, symbol and narrative in "The savory eloquence. Rhetoric of food and food rhetorical ", edited by C. Spila, Bulzoni, Rome 2004, p. 89-112.

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The appearance is most striking, reading the Trecentonovelle, is the extensive presence of animals on the boards late medieval. In fact, pigs, capons, partridges, kids, geldings without forgetting the many varieties of fish, food consumed by the clergy and beloved by the community during periods of abstinence, were consumed by both the wealthy and the poor classes. Obviously the impact of this diet, focusing on meat, hung around for the first, which compared to the more needy could spend Considerable amounts of money to grab the food more delicious. The diet of the farmers, based on the consumption of cereals (which feature the work of the bags difficult to emerge) was increased and improved breeding of poultry and, more importantly, some of the reserved pork meals. This opportunity not only to medieval man guaranteed a secure source of food but also the use of food products, especially valuable reserve for the livelihood of the less fortunate. We must also put in mind that it would probably be easier to kill a domesticated animal to a wild.
There are many stories of the bag (LXX , CII, CX ) depicting the exhausting maneuvers do not always come to fruition, to catch and kill the pigs and tan. In the novel LXX, Torello wants to kill one of the pigs received a gift, but because of lack of familiarity, can only hurt him. The frightened animal grunts attract another pig who rushed to his aid, thus creating a violent scuffle with the peasant

" Torello who has gone dung that was gouty and weak, you put on your apron, and kinase ago bend the other to fetch the pig said to the legs, and fannolo fall to the ground: how on earth is, Torello who had attacked the thong boxcutter, if item in hand, and wanting to Strike only to kill the pig, and Standoli knee breeches and without him, and 'the son having gone to a bowl for the sweet, had just entered the iron in meat ounce, that' the pig began to scream, the other who was under a ladder and yelling mate, runs and gives between 'Calonaci Torello. As the wounded man feels his companion came to the rescue, giving a twist so furiously that Torello hunting ground. "

In the appendix to the novel, Bagshaw describes what has happened to another young man, who is injured by a pig that he tries to kill itself, it is interesting to note that the fury of the animal [...]

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domestic animals as a resource hog

Many stories have bags of character as the pig, no doubt the food par excellence of the medieval period. The pork is the food that appears most of all on the boards of both the gentlemen of the lower classes. Since Roman times the raising of pigs has played a key role for the food needs of nations, and the Po Valley, famous for the production of acorns, allowed large-scale breeding of pigs, destined for local consumption and to Supply of capital and armies. For the early Middle Ages the pig represented the staple diet of meat products and private documents reveal a number of people involved in the breeding of pigs is usually higher than that of other pastors. In the following centuries, however, food was more varied, but the small animals, including pigs, were undiminished in the possessions of the families. The novel
LXX shows a father and son, aided by a servant, working on the killing of some pigs. In this case, the head of the family opted for this solution just to save money, the story is set in the period in which the slaughter of pigs involved in the butchers or the tavern. This shows that even in the late Middle Ages there were those who continued to breed and kill the pigs on his own without resorting to figure del mestiere.
La cosa non stupisce affatto dato che ancora oggi, soprattutto nel sud Italia, questo rito non è stato cancellato né dal mutare dei tempi né dal progresso che avanza inesorabile. Molte famiglie contadine continuano a crescere e ad uccidere il maiale, ed il giorno della “mattanza” è un giorno di festa.
Ma anche chi lo faceva per professione aveva bisogno di collaboratori; la novella CII , infatti, descrive un tavernaio alle prese con un problema non da poco: dopo aver ucciso e scottato un maiale, non riesce ad appenderlo alla caviglia. Alla fine riuscirà a sollevare la bestia solo con l’aiuto dei contadini che lavorano nelle terre confinanti.
Un altro particolare degno noting it is learned in the novel cxlvi : a poor gentleman decides, with the help of a companion, to steal a pig, then kill him and any of his property. The two pigs were then handed over to a landlord with whom he had a debt to pay. The story gives us some interesting elements: there is a substantial difference in weight between the two pigs, one stolen weighs twice that of the man: "He was perhaps one hundred and fifty pounds: it was stolen from the thirteenth century.." The sharp swing of the weight of the animals was probably due to the quality of life of animals that obviously suffered from the economic conditions of their masters, because the pig farmer povero si presenta molto magro. Dal racconto non è dato sapere chi fosse il proprietario del suino “in carne”, ma probabilmente doveva essere di condizione benestante. La novella CCXIV , che ha una trama pressoché analoga, rafforza l’ipotesi: in quel caso il robusto maiale trafugato appartiene ad un notaio.
Ritornando alla novella precedente, il contadino per risparmiare i denari della gabella decide di nascondere lo scarno suino in quello più robusto:

“- Sa' tu quello ch'io ho pensato? che io voglio che noi spariamo bene quel porco grande, e mettervi dentro quel piccolo, e poi l'affascineremo con questo alloro, e non fia niuno che possa immaginare che sia altro che uno.”

then the tax collectors will discover the fraud and the hapless [...]

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1.2 3.1 Sheep 1.4 The

Compared to the pig, sheep were not raised primarily for meat. Most of them were killed in the third or fourth year of life, confirming the fact that they were more useful as live animals. Next, in examining the data from the altarpiece of Santa Giulia in Brescia you can see that raising sheep between the ninth and tenth centuries, was not uniform and widespread as that of the pigs, but in the centuries to come Europe found that Of all domestic animals, the sheep was the most productive. It provided milk, meat and wool, used as packaging clothing, in a historical period in which each tried to take over its basic needs. They were not to be neglected, also the skin that could be sold to producers of parchment, which they found themselves suddenly in the middle of a very active trade of materials for manuscripts, and tallow that was used to make candles.
On the breeding of sheep there are elements within indicative of short stories, focuses on the bag already butchered meat and its use gourmet. In the aforementioned story CLX Germans are for sale on the market a considerable amount of Florentine geldings:

"Who one day of Holy Saturday, when the butcher had supplied more meat, and 'citizens in crowd to buy, having come to a dinner table very well stocked with geldings ,[...]"

Considering the hectic business of this type of meat especially in the period prior to Easter, we should say that this food was made up of real investment: less irritable cow, and more agile in steep pastures, the sheep graze in more depth and is, among ' Another, more fruitful, and these aspects were not lost on a small scale investors who evaluated the possibility of breeding sheep and found them beneficial. There were many citizens, but also i contadini, che adoperarono i loro guadagni o i loro risparmi per acquistare importanti quantità di animali: alcune volte l’allevatore riceveva un gregge che doveva restituire al suo finanziatore in due o tre anni, tenendo per sé la metà degli agnelli nati nel frattempo, altre il padrone indebitato cedeva la proprietà con contratti di vario tipo, pascolo, soccida, allevamento ecc. Il pastore, o l’antico proprietario, assicurava il mantenimento delle bestie e divideva con l’altra parte le spese e i profitti, che non dovevano essere affatto scarsi se nel Trecento a Firenze si consumavano circa 60 mila ovini tra montoni e pecore [...]

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goats and small domestic farming

Notevole importanza doveva avere il piccolo domestic farming. Chickens, hens, capons, in all likelihood, both the trotting yards of each peasant family on that noble land, and their presence meant to have meat first, then eggs, certainly in large numbers. It is impossible, of course, to express in figures the impact of chickens and eggs in the diet. It can help the fact that among the kitchen waste archaeological excavations have unearthed large quantities of chicken bones, pointing to a rather high consumption. Without neglecting the privileged position of the chickens at times enjoyed over other types of meat, monastic eating habits. The hearty and delicious meat of the capon, made him one of the favorite dishes of the day: it was the custom to serve on the board to celebrate a special event. In the novel CXXIII is just a happy event which is the key to the story set in the castle of Pietrasanta in Lucca. The farmer Vitale, to celebrate the student son who returns from London, is preparing a meal (which is also called the priest) based on roast capon. Reluctant initiative is the stepmother of the young man who never loses an opportunity to inveigh against her husband. The woman sees decrease the family money is spent every day since to study the stepson:

"[...] I believe that if you 'cheated, and that he, that you send what you can do and say is a dead body, and consumed him. And in this way, the woman went in costume s'avea yes to say this as a dead body that would send her husband or money or anything, so she was in their hands, saying to her husband
- Send, send, eaten well, what you have to give it your dead body. "

Those words come to the ears of the boy during his stay in Bologna and, when asked to share a capon for grammar," he splits the animal to having the central part, the most consistent, with fewer parts and distributes the capon to the other members of the family on based series of justifications only in appearance:

"Recas first of the capon, and takes the knife and cut off the crest, places it on a chopping board and by the priest, saying
- You are our spiritual father and bring the Cherica, and therefore give you Cherica of the capon, ie the ridge.
Then he cut his head, and gave similar form to his father, saying:
- And you are the head of the family, and though I give my head.
co then cut the legs' feet, and diedele to her stepmother, saying
- pertains to you go do the household goods of the house and go up and down and, and this can not be made without the legs, and therefore give them to you for your part.
sommoli wing and then cut them, and puoseli on a platter to his sister, and said
- They were soon to leave home and fly out, and therefore should have the Alie, and so I give them. I am a dead body: being thus and so I confess, for my part I this tower dead body -, and begins to cut and eat vigorously. "

The partition of flesh was to be performed with the method: the portions large family always went to the head. In this context it is almost like attending a revival, in the key of course parody of the ritual of cutting and the division of the flesh. The story also reveals that the method of cutting the food could be crucial, especially if you wanted to enjoy the parties [...]

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1.5 Horses, mules and donkeys

In the collection of Trecentonovelle (X , XVI, XXXI , XXXIV, CCXIV , XXXVI etc.). equines, however, appear only as a noble means of transport for people or as a generous shipment of goods; not appear, however, references to food on their flesh . In the novel X the horse is the trusty steed of the second rider Messer Dolcibene court in XVI simply a means for moving a young Sienese

"fell downward, and mounted his horse, rode nearly four balestrate Siena, and then gave the time coming back step by step and keto to the hotel from where they had left ;[...]"

Also in News XXXI, which has as its protagonists two ambassadors of the Casentino, its role is only marginal: "- We go on horseback, and go with God, but perhaps one way we will remember.. " Instead CCXIV in the animal is used to transport a stolen pig and just killed by some farmers. The bulk of the pig malagevole path and reduce the nag every ounce of energy:

"[...] and then with great difficulty and with great difficulty breathing, consuming grand'ora of the night, he lay on the horse, and great difficulty, walking the mare, which is very bad that he could pack, he came to the mansion of a gentleman, where the horse came weary, and finally breaks down, more than ever it was to make them into account. "

In the novel XXXVI is faithful steed that leads from Florence Geppo Canigiani in Florence in time to warn of an impending war with the Lords Pisani:

"And so it went on horseback, to spur beaten went to the palace of ' Priori to disassemble, and went before 'Gentlemen, he said he was coming from San Casciano, and he' s enemies with great noise it Veniano to Florence. "

No wonder, in fact the horse was treated as a confidant: the Ploughman's talk in the fields, the warrior just before the charge, the merchant in the stables, the lady on the road, and was a real symbol of prestige and even to dominate others, so that the noble of the Middle Ages distinguished himself first as a horse owner, as a knight. Moreover, its use as a beast of burden, particularly in Northern Europe, the reserved an important role in the history of work (excluding the High Middle Ages). Paradoxically, the attention given to this animal, its training and to his care, returned to posterity ippiatria that most treaties of pediatrics.
The bags have presented stories of the horse as an element of social distinction, as skilled riding and animal labor, but a question remains, however, without some definite answer: the meat of the beast, old or injured, was also consumed? It is likely that [...]

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2.1 Fauna and hunting techniques

The news of the hunting bag is mainly practiced by the noble class, peasants and craftsmen breed animals in their yards, or buy them already slaughtered at the market. This does not mean che le classi più povere non praticassero questa attività, sicuramente non la disdegnavano, ma la esercitavano in maniera più ridotta rispetto ai nobili.
Per avere quantomeno un’idea di quali potevano essere gli animali preda delle classi meno agiate, consideriamo la novella CLXXXVII : Messer Dolcibene viene invitato a mangiare dal piovano della Tosa un coniglio in crosta. Anche se la pietanza risulta essere una gatta, questo dato è, in ogni caso, sintomatico: la selvaggina di piccola taglia veniva consumata e forniva un apporto alimentare rilevante e regolare alla tavola. Nel caso del coniglio, poi, bisogna dire che la sua carne era molto apprezzata: più, sembra, di quella di lepre, troppo dolciastra e secca In the same story, Messer Dolcibene decides to avenge the joke now preparing a dish of pigeons and mice to be offered to the rector:

"Never did this did not came out of the mind, until such time as the coming calving models starlings, de 'which was very plentiful at his farm in Valdimarina, provident and in that time to take him with traps and other talents in a lot of her barn rise, lest that he pays with his servant and ordered that a cage Gioveni starlings, mescolatovi any Pippione, recasse after dinner when she saw him with rain at Frascati, and seemed to lead in the market to sell, saying to him: 'As you like me to give him? "

In this case, both the rabbit and the pigeons were part of that multitude of animals spread a little 'anywhere, which usually were captured in the plains or in the woods, but in the novel is not known if they had been raised or prey.
clear, from reading another element that it is worth pausing: Messer Dolcibene catch mice in traps and other minds ", even if the rodents are the subject of mockery, it should be stressed that to catch their prey of small size there were specific techniques: the most common weapon was the bow, sometimes used with poisoned arrows, and after their use, was obviously necessary to cut the meat the animal around the point of impact, to avoid ingesting the poisonous substance, mostly prepared with herbs toxic, the use of this instrument with the most entertaining moments of the hunt. For hunting, target shooting is also available to the sling and crossbow, but as the novel suggests, would be much more widespread use of traps, pits, snares of any kind [...]

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3.1 A food-shelf techniques catching

The News CCIX shows us how easy it was to fish for fish soup de 'Cerchi, warned by a servant of the existence of an eel at the source where it washed the dishes, can not resist the idea of \u200b\u200beating it. Man, despite being forced to hide from creditors, decides to go along with the woman to catch the fish:

"The Soup, hearing this, for now if you started the sleeves, said: - For sure, if I had to be taken I do not I would keep that I do not go out. It had taken a house that bucinetto To catch flounder at holes, went to that source and took with him the maid, however, that he averebbe not seen the buffalo in the snow, not that the eel in the source.
And saying to the maid:
- Think of you?
She said yes, and he tells them how she ought to use that bucine.
The maid, obedient, in just now pulled up in bucine, and 'the soup so if the network went to the hand, saying: - Pan! "

The greed of man will soon be punished because the source is waiting for two men who on behalf of creditors forced him to pay the debt: "It 's Soup, for fear of not v'essere struck off for others, just found a way to pay, and thus cost him dear eel.."
In this episode we see how easy it was to draw no limits in the streams, creeks, small ponds everywhere crossed with the cultivated land: this is because in many cases the common law guaranteed to all of the financial year fishing. Over time, however, this activity was subject to progressive restrictions that limit the exercise. The restrictions did not affect the character of the popular fishing we said. The fish was caught that is consumed by the common people; in Trecentonovelle we see how this food is accessible to the less fortunate: it is caught by a humble innkeeper ( CCXVI ) or served on the board of families with limited resources ( CCI).
This solution was dictated not so much by the desire to protect the property and the nature, namely fish, needs to be defended from exploitation too intense when it came to meet in full and late medieval period, because of the population [...]

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CCIX In the novel reveals two particularly symptomatic: the eel is transported from the source placed inside a water Orciuolo:

Eglin "[...] so they went looking for a 'fishing he ebbono an eel alive about two pounds, and with this in a Orciuolo water if n'andorono to the Abbey at Bleach ;[...] "

This makes us think that the difficulties of transport of this animal should not have been a few: the eel, however, for its ability to survive within ceste piene d’erba per parecchi giorni, riusciva ad essere trasportata pure nelle zone più lontane dalle coste e dai laghi; anche per questa ragione, dunque, doveva essere tra i pesci più consumati sulle tavole medievali, con la lampreda e la tinca. L’anguilla viene catturata con un reticello ma l’operazione risulta molto complicata a causa della scivolosità dell’animale, dettaglio confermato dall’esperienza quotidiana.
Nella novella CCVIII apprendiamo, invece, che i granchi venivano pescati “con ami e con lenze e con reticelle di minore maniera”. Nella novella CCXVI non sono gli arnesi a determinare una buona pesca bensì l’influsso dei corpi celesti. Alberto Magna goes to a Lombard hotel to rest and refresh themselves. Note many nets for fishing and, overcome by curiosity, inquires about the quantity of fish caught by the hotel. The man replied sadly desolate that they can not get enough. Albert decides to manufacture a wooden fish to help him. He explains that the object, connected to the network, enabling it to capture a number of fish so large that it can marry off his daughters:

"Then master Alberto, the first morning we depart from the hotel, he made a fish of wood, and summoned the innkeeper and said
- Take this pesce, e legalo alla rete quando tu peschi, e piglierai con esso sempre grandissima quantità di pesci;[...]”

Il giorno dopo Alberto parte per la Germania e il pescatore pesca in abbondanza fino a diventare ricco da maritare le sue sette figliole. Ma un giorno la fortuna gli gira le spalle: il pesce di legno si sgancia dalla rete e finisce nel Po. Da quel momento l’uomo cade in disgrazia e, per porre fine alla disperata situazione, decide di recarsi in Germania per chiedere ad Alberto un altro amuleto. Ma ciò non è più possibile perché gli astri non sono più disposti a conferire quelle virtù benefiche all’oggetto di legno:

“- Figliuol mio, ben vorrei poterti fare quello che mi addomandi; ma io non posso; però che io ti fo assapere che quando ti feci quello pesce che io ti diedi, il Cielo e tutti i pianeti erano in quell'ora disposti a fare avere quella virtú a quel pesce; e se io o tu volessimo dire: questo punto o questo caso può ritornare, che un altro se ne possa fare con simile virtú, e io ti dico di fermo e di chiaro che questo non può avvenire di qui a trentasei migliaia d'anni: sí che or pensa, come si può rifare quello che io feci.”

L’oste è così condannato a rimanere povero per sempre.
La vicenda ci dimostra come era tutt’altro che insolito [...]

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3.2 3.3 Fishery products 4.1 The garden

Nelle novelle investigated ( CLXXXIII , CCI) appears on the fish market stalls at locations where there is no presence of the Sea (Florence, Modena) and this leads us to believe that this precious food was fished mainly along the streams streams, rivers or lakes. It has been shown, for example, that most of the fish consumed in Bologna in the communal period did not come from the sea, but from the marshes of the lowlands. The fact that in Trecentonovelle ( CLXXXIII , CCI , CCIX ) are appointed primarily sturgeon, lamprey and pike, freshwater fish known, confirms the hypothesis of Bologna. The fishing was configured Therefore, first, as a real economy of the marsh where freshwater fish had a much predominant.
The most popular fish appear to have been the eel, the goodness of this fish was known years before as it is the only fish to be mentioned in the Salic law, which prohibits the theft, and where the lists of goods recorded a number of fees in eels, so we also had to be, where the eels are among the few fish expressly mentioned in the early years earlier. In the Treaties and recipes eel is the ingredient of many dishes and occupies so many pages: in fact this fish was to be the most desiderati, per la sua carne saporita e per la possibilità di essere preparato in svariati modi.

[...] Per nulla marginale era poi il ruolo dello storione, che troviamo, sempre nella novella CLXXXIII , in vendita presso il Ponte Vecchio a Firenze nel periodo di Quaresima. Il fatto che Gallina Attaviani riesca ad acquistare degli storioni è ritenuto un colpo di fortuna:

“La fortuna fu favorevole al Gallina, acciò che potesse fare piú magna spesa; egli era di quaresima, e al Ponte avea storioni e lamprede.”

La citazione è significativa perché indica che questo pesce era ritenuto particolarmente saporito e che con tutta probabilità andava Germans like hot cakes on the market in Florence. The good reputation of the rest remained unchanged even outside Italy: fish seems to have been considered a particularly noble, to be reserved, late medieval England, only the king's table.
The novel gives us no details about the size of this fish, however, is a species that normally reaches a length of 2-4 meters, but can reach up to 6, in the past then it seems that its dimensions have been even greater, even up 9 meters in length and several tens of tons of weight.
Famous Po was the sturgeon, that the narrative sources do not fail to remember. In addition to the eel and sturgeon, were much sought anche la lampreda ( CLXXXIII ), la trota e [...]

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Quando si parla di alimentazione medievale non si può fare a meno di considerare l’incidenza dell’orto e dei suoi prodotti, realtà economica importante e di larghissima presenza, capillarmente diffusa ovunque.
Posto nei pressi della casa di abitazione del colono e della stalla, sempre recintato o comunque chiuso, l’orto rappresentava l’unico tra i terreni coltivati che beneficiava della presenza continua dell’uomo in termini di quantità e qualità di lavoro. Questo ne rendeva massima la fertilità e la produttività, a livelli che non trovano riscontro in aperta campagna where the land is not also subject to a labor intensive, rich fertilizer and a clever combination of crops, but a staple of cultivation in time and space as well as a rough fertilization. Production continues
was the peculiar character of the garden that is never devoid of fruit. This gap between horticulture and agriculture to mitigate only the eighteenth century, thanks to the agricultural revolution that will improve farming techniques, thanks to more efficient sources of fertilizer to a crop rotation and production equipment and machinery for greater efficiency.
But what were the most common plant species in the gardens of the Middle Ages? The reading of the novel shows us the presence of cabbage (XCI , CLXXV ), onions ( XVI) to (LXXII , XCI), broccoli ( LXXII), parsnips (LXXII ), then ( cxlvi ) and cinnamon ( XCI), but certainly the variety of herbs and vegetables had to be manifold: if we consider that some centuries before the Capitulare de Villis 72 plants listed in the third and edible remaining with medicinal properties, it is easy to deduce that the orchards were also planted fennel, spinach, radishes, shallots, carrots, various species of cucurbits (pumpkins, melons, cucumbers) and many others, some use the kitchen only to flavor food.
Returning to the testimony of the bag, it is to point out that the cabbage is the vegetable that, of all people, plays a leading role, in the novel CXLV are on the table by Lando Gobbo, a knight of the people in before being appointed mayor:

"In Florence was, not long ago, a mayor, who, before he entered nell'oficio, became a knight of populist who was named Messer Messer Lando or Landucci by Gobbi; and was so magnanimous that the armor and beard, with which it was made a knight, was given, as of custom, to Messer Dolcibene, which is thus the custom of giving it to a courtier, who, by selling these armatures, N'ebbe money in all forty-two, yes Messer Dolcibene could do very large costs. It is true that there was refreshed by a short time, eating with a mayor of Lent, with the cabbage and the tonnina. Al Messer Dolcibene being sussequenti him at table two side them, seeing them put forward tonnina so that he would have shot the trap, we turn to them and said: - Sir side them, put the glasses will appear to you two times as much. "

In this case, the vegetable is eaten in combination with a portion, definitely plenty of tuna, but the meal is considered by Messer Dolcibene inappropriate for the role that it was going to play by Lando Gobbo. The story shows us that even the characters [...]

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In the gardens were in addition to cabbage, salads and uncooked fruits. Often, these plots of land were joined to the vine, or more frequently, to the orchard. This combination fruit and vegetables, even if it was not widespread, is very peculiar, so it's worth looking through the eye of the novels. The collection of bags
fruit appears only marginally and is almost never on the tables of the main characters; the statement is valid for both noble and families more modest. The only fruit that stands out with bullying in the novel is the fig tree. In CXVIII a priest orders a servant to collect the figs that are located on a tree in his garden, but he eats the most delicate and delivery to those insipid pastor:

"Giogoli to the parish, near Florence A short time ago, was a parish priest, who had a servant, who almost anything to him face proper, unto the cook. As of September, and having a beautiful garden in its own petard fig tree, and had many beautiful figs in the morning rain to that servant says:
- It 'Take off that basket, and goes' to the fig tree, I There's very beautiful I saw yesterday, and recamene.
The maid took the basket and went to that fig tree, and salendovi upward, seeing very beautiful and very pengiglianti of those who had a tear, you used to put them in your mouth, it seemed that he had to make a revenge, and cogliea when, for her eating one of those events so the figs that had tears, said:
- Do not weep, no, you do not eat sir -, and swallowed it, and if a thousand had eaten figs with that tear in each said: - Do not weep, no, do not eat sir -, and he manicavaselo.
used to put them in the basket figs Tortoni, or with the mouth open, that's just averebbono eat the pigs, and take it to rain ;[...]"

First, the presence in the garden of a fig tree confirms the above-mentioned assertion: some fruit trees in the gardens was though it was small and probably negligible amount. Without doubt, the fig tree was a supplementary resource to the diet of farmers, from September onwards, when the fruits were ripe, they indulge in the real bellyfuls. Because apparently, figs should be appreciated, the priest seems eager to taste them while the servant goes so greedy as to jeopardize his job! [...]

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4.3 4.2 The fruit The chestnut

The collection of wild fruits was further economic activity involving the extraction of natural resources. In this area, the product of greater weight on the diet was made up from certainly chestnuts. But we must point out that only up to a point that economic resources could be credited to the use of uncultivated areas. In many cases, in fact, more and more systematically over time, we do not merely take advantage of the wild chestnut, but proceeded to graft trees, raise them, grow them. In
Trecentonovelle chestnuts appear only on one occasion in the novel where CLXXV Foraboschi But, coming back from Valdarno towards Florence, he stops to greet a friend in Cascia farmer. The farmer invites him to drink and gives him so hard that the dried chestnuts But just can not chew:

"Few years have passed that Florence was a gentleman named Pero Foraboschi, who, being old and having years of the new , returning to Florence and the Arno Valley coming to Cascade, he was invited to the month of October, almost in order to drink there with a peasant, who accepted the invitation, he was traveled dried chestnuts, for so great so it takes away Pero several in hand, and starting to want to eat one, between whom he had few teeth and bad, and the chestnut was as hard as stone, 'and there was no way that' if not cavasse rimettessela of mouth and in her hand, and ripresene another which shape does not soak in like ever, and testing or the other or one o'clock, and all the evidence in hand if the ritolse, without them tame. And thus failing in his hand, takes his leave, and coming to Florence, not dimorsò never, ever way or between one o'clock or the other you put in your mouth, and the more the sputter and rugrumava, more hardened. "

emerge from the work cited several elements that allow us to make considerations: the fact that the story is set in Cascia (now in Umbria), an area of \u200b\u200bhigh ground, which confirms for the populations of high hills and mountains, the chestnut plays a role of primary importance because it gives a significant contribution to the subsistence food of the inhabitants. In addition, we can not neglect the humble conditions of his Pero Foraboschi: chestnuts were characterized as a food destination mainly popular because of easy availability and the very high calorific value. This explains why under the influence of progressive increase their tution is the centuries between the XI and XIII, where the nature of the soil does not recommend the expansion of arable land was provided, in fact, often the plant of chestnut, which are not we sometimes hesitated to sacrifice the original forest cover. From the foothills of the Alps Amiata, from the mountains of the Ligurian Apennines Calabria, the shortage of bread wheat is remedied by regularly, according to a meaningful expression with the "bread tree" [...]