Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Funny Business Clip Art


Uniti nell’energia pulita
Il 18 febbraio 2011 torna M’illumino di meno, la più radiofonica campagna sul risparmio energetico mai escogitata sul globo terracqueo.
La Giornata del Risparmio Energetico 2011, special edition per i 150 anni dall’unità d’Italia, è fissata per il 18 febbraio 2011. Anche quest’anno Caterpillar invita comuni, associazioni, scuole, aziende e case di tutt’Italia ad aderire all’iniziativa creando quel “silenzio energetico” che ha coinvolto le piazze di tutt’Europa negli anni scorsi, per fare spazio, dove possibile, ad un’accensione virtuosa, a base di fonti rinnovabili.
For February 18 we, together with the symbolic shutdowns, switching lights clean original themed flag. Turbine, lanterns, LED or bicycles, tri-color lights that feed throughout the country. We learn to save, to produce clean energy and demand better for everyone.
At the present stage of technological research is already possible to produce energy with the sun, the wind, the sea, the warmth of the land or biomass. Appealing to the inexhaustible ingenuity Italy urged everyone, from students to casual, from companies in crisis to the municipalities, to compete in the green economy by adopting a system to clean off the waste and turn on a setting flag on February 18 2010. Please inform us of your intention to study the possibility of M'illumino Mob, events that bring together several people, focusing on open and public places, particularly visible, creating a sort of Expedition of the Thousand M'illumino squares off all over Italy, to witness the need for a more "enlightened" of our future.
The campaign will start 24 January 2011, telling the radio for good manufacturing practices and intelligent consumption of energy, and giving voice to the most interesting accessions for February 18. Also try
abroad experience for the rationalization of consumption and government virtuous from the standpoint of sustainable resource management energy. On, you can signal their membership and find all the materials to advertise the initiative in the workplace, at school or in your town.


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