Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best Tinted Moisturizer

Giù le mani da Piazzetta Oberdan

I the idea, more and more certain, almost a conviction, that in the province of Rovigo and Adria especially there is a caste of architects, engineers and building commissions, dedicated to building houses, buildings, plazas, fountains and bridges of the horror, the most worrying thing is that to make that we shall also make the commitment.
The buildings are plain horror of all, we start from our SKYSCRAPER, then follows the PALACE of the District Court but let's also pass this fruit of the mentality of another era, or perhaps the result of the first students of the school of horror, let also pass the glass building in the square Lupati. Some retching begins to be felt with the vision of the Palace of Police and the Traffic Police, a few yards further on the Palace of the CNA, vomiting explodes with the PALACE VIA CHIEPPARA approached the historic Palazzo Palazzo Venezia and Roma. The resurgence comes first in the mouth with the latest house / horror arose near the former rice mill to escape completely cover the deck BETTOLA.
's enough though! Please stop.
The latest project of the minds about architecture dell''orrore PIAZZETTA OBERDAN, in the name of redevelopment of the historic center, the project foresees the removal of existing pavement in blocks of trachyte and of the steps, the latter formed in solid blocks of high thick, with almost complete replacement with new materials, which I dare not imaginary, but especially those provided by the project foresees the construction of a fountain that is to finish in a tank that goes around the shaft.
The current pavement, shattered though, for several reasons, however, is the same we can find a range of Maddalena in Venice, just to understand the bond that Adria had with the Serenissima Republic. The wear of the material bears witness to its ancient origins.

Residents of the area and several other citizens Adries claim that this does not happen, that the square is placed reusing the same materials but this wonderful corner of Adria remains as is. For those who believe in this at the wishing well, local historian now located in the same square, is undergoing a petition to prevent this again against the ugliness, "he Adria", is little time left.


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