Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dual 48v Phantom Power Supply

L'ENEL deve dare energia agevolata.

NOT is the simple bond of close parantela, they must be children of the same mother, which leads me to record in my electronic diary, the letter that Luke, my brother left and seen posted on various local newspapers. It 's just because I agree with him. Add, and so I have goats and remind others that the'etichetta of poor flood victims is a first "hot" that we paid in '51, when it was decided (with political decisions) Polesine flood the poor rather than the route of industrialization in Ferrara. Later in the '50s and '60s, in the Po delta, hundreds of families lost their homes and land due to soil pollution by Sag metanifere extractions, they also like the previous flood victims were never compensated. Then comes in 1970 until the present day thermal power station Polesine Camerini that he gave little development in the case, however, giving us a lot of cancers, as well as defacing a common landscape unique and extraordinary. Meanwhile, since 2005, undisturbed inizaino to drill the seats of the Delta and parts of Lower and Middle Polesine to pull a tube for the underground gas dal mare, al largo di Porto Levante, fino a Finale Emilia, leggesi Rigassificatore. A dire il vero con quest'ultimo qualche comune più scaltro degli altri per lo "scotto" è riuscito a farne venire fuori qualcosa, poche migliaia di euro ... nà mancia giusto per il disturbo.
Segue lettera, la foto l'ho rubata dal blog gestito da un certo Erre.

“Chiediamo che chi ha responsabilità politiche, istituzionali o economiche e chi ha a cuore il bene di questa nostra società non ci renda invisibili, chiediamo che la politica diventi qualcosa di più alto e nobile, che si prenda cura delle Donne e degli uomini di questa
terra dormiente, rilanciando un’idea viva di futuro.” ( tratto da una letter written by employees of the garrison Grimeca).

There, the solution to solve the problem of workers and other workers Grimeca Polesani there, and it is clear and evident before the eyes of all, just look to the east in the direction where the sun rises. . ....

Polesine For years he has paid a heavy toll in terms of public health and environmental pollution, that energy to produce electricity that has properly exploited, economically, grown in other regions of the north, fifteen million kwh produced annually Polesine use for their needs just under one million kwh. We have for years catered for the crumbs bestowed by Enel, the time has come to collect the appropriate payment for that sacrifice ....
Now they want to convert the power plant Polesine Camerini, want to convert it back to make it work on coal, our opportunity to boost the economy Polesana and have a secure future lies not in conversion work, which will last just a few years and give work to the workers land, our opportunity lies not in perhaps thirty or fifty million euro that the enel elargirà as compensation to the Province, our opportunity is to ask ENEL, with great force, electricity at low cost for companies that are to invest in our territory, create new factories, to detect those in crisis in order to create decent jobs and environmentally, for us, for our younger brothers, for our children and our grandchildren, our future and for the growth polesine!
It is up to you, then, that governed this territory, bring together all the political, social and economic in a single large project, shared by all, to make a concrete business plan, quickly, out of the economic crisis that has hit hard our territory.
Have the courage to dare to break the established schemes, have the courage to make that policy more "high and noble" that workers and residents are asking you, scrollatevi d’ addosso l’etichetta di alluvionati, sono passati ormai sessant’anni….
a firma di Luca Donà


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