Monday, September 27, 2010

Painful Head Scissors

Delta d'autunno

Saluti da Cà Vendramin

games after shooting in color, looks like a postcard of the '70s, are the rice paddies of Ca 'Vendramin.

The smell of the earth.

The landscape changes from day to day. New Horizons forgotten reappear after the threshing of corn. The plows open land where the result is a scent that I like to feel, the smell of the earth.

Yellow tapinambur.

along the ditches, suddenly a yellow spot, tapinambur are the last note of color left us the summer.

Then the sea.

Sea in autumn, on the coast of Calera no human presence, the day after the rain calms, the sea is relaxed.

Ph. Nicola Donà


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