Monday, September 27, 2010

Painful Head Scissors

Delta d'autunno

Saluti da Cà Vendramin

games after shooting in color, looks like a postcard of the '70s, are the rice paddies of Ca 'Vendramin.

The smell of the earth.

The landscape changes from day to day. New Horizons forgotten reappear after the threshing of corn. The plows open land where the result is a scent that I like to feel, the smell of the earth.

Yellow tapinambur.

along the ditches, suddenly a yellow spot, tapinambur are the last note of color left us the summer.

Then the sea.

Sea in autumn, on the coast of Calera no human presence, the day after the rain calms, the sea is relaxed.

Ph. Nicola Donà

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What Should Periods Look Like?

The Chestnut and Porcini Mushroom in Caserta

Association "Montecaruso" presents the "Festival of Chestnut and Mushroom "^ Ed XII, 2 and 3 October 2010 in Sipicciano of Galluccio (CE). The event takes place in the alleys of the enchanting village of medieval Sipicciano Galluccio, with major stands of typical products of 'Alto Casertano where chestnuts will be distributed for free. In addition, a seminar on mycological and a naturalistic exhibit.
The event is aimed at enhancing and the safeguarding of typical products approved and the development of wine tourism in the Campania Region.
The Mushroom's "Volcano Roccamonfina" was inserted at the request of the 'Association Montecaruso, in the' National List of Traditional Agri-Products of the Ministry of Agriculture with the Decree of 10 July 2006, published in the Supplement to the Official Gazette No. 167, July 20, 2006. Enclosed is the full program. WEB: . Facebook Group: The Mushroom of "Volcano Roccamonfina"

Adapted from Casertanews

"In the Middle Ages, the mushrooms were always viewed with suspicion even though it must be said that in the Court of Frederick II in Foggia, were often present in his banquets. Instead the sources tell us that Fred had definite ideas on the conservation of mushrooms" were to be bleached by boiling in salted water then "to be stored in small barrels. On the other hand, thanks to research and dissemination of knowledge implemented by the convents, at this time the fungus enters the kitchen also popular.
The fungus was so appreciated and studied in the Middle Ages and was considered such a delicacy and aphrodisiac to be put on the Index because it distracted from the Holy Office Pilgrims from the idea of \u200b\u200bpenance that had to be connected to the Jubilee Pilgrimage on the Via dei Romei .

"Fungi play an important role in medieval witchcraft, and if we think the practice of ointments, could traced back to this magic nature arising from the use of drugs of plant origin, such as hemlock, belladonna, willow, grass astrologer, Baccarat, the Bryonia, chervil, and stramonium, as I said, some types of mushrooms, to reach that state of trance or dream, during which the witch to make its flights. The Church, like the power of civil and secular city, did not nothing to interpret the folk culture that was, however, swallowed and erased in a demonic generalization, which, with the rise of the witch hunt, turned every manifestation and ritual in non-Christian worship of the devil. "

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hooking Up Hdmi Receiver

Rediscovering the forgotten fruits in the Valle del Senio

In October, two important events in the Valle del Senio (Romagna Apennines): 9 to 10 October the festival Brown now in its fourth edition and 16 to 17 October the Festival of Forgotten Fruits , the latter reached its 20th edition.
framed by the events of the village of Casola Valsenio, which boasts the Title of the Land of Forgotten Fruits and Herbs. Ancient local tradition of plant breeding are also expressed in the protection of varieties of fruit trees are now abandoned or out of production. With the arrival of autumn, two important events in search of those fruits and plants that have distant traditions, either spontaneous or cultivated since the Middle Ages and which were saved from extinction and restored to the satisfaction of those who cultivate and of those who know them for the first time.

Frutti scented warm colors typical of autumn:

jujube, pears broadsword, carnelian, medlar, quince, strawberry, azzeruole, sorb apples, pears volpina, gooseberries, not to mention nuts, walnuts, chestnuts and pomegranates.

The interest in these fruits is also a renewed focus on the recovery of ancient methods of preservation, processing and consumption.

During the two parties in fact among the various initiatives designed by the organizers will host a course in a jam and liqueurs, while local restaurants offer throughout the autumn in the Kitchen forgotten fruits.
dishes will be offered using the traditional products of the territory and according to custom is so modern kitchen offering a pleasant, natural and strong power evocativo.
Tra le ricette:

- la salsa di rovo e di gelso
- le composte di corniole e di cotogne
- la torta di mele selvatiche
- dessert con pere volpine, con castagne,alkermes, il vino e il formaggio.

Un piatto tipico della zona poi il migliacco ricco di ingredienti quali mele cotogne, pere volpine, mele gialle, cioccolato, pane, raffermo grattugiato, canditi, riso e, secondo l'antica ricetta, sangue di maiale in aggiunta.

La Festa del Marrone , invece, propone bancarelle allestite dai produttori, conferenze tematiche sulla certificazione I.G.P., Animation and themed rustic taste of culinary excellence casolani prepared using this product: boiled in water with bay leaves (Baloch), or roasted over a flame (brus) or baked in the wood stove (spasms) after they have been "castrated" , that is, make a small cut.
with dried chestnuts prepares a soup, chestnut flour is the basis for the polenta to eat with cottage cheese and sweet chestnut. Among the desserts are mentioned also the ravioli, these mice, prepared from the pulp of roasted brown.
The brown Casola Valsenio is particularly popular for fresh consumption and for the preparation of brown-glace. (From )

Casola Valsenio Pro Loco tel. 0546 73033

That is, an event not to be missed for those who like the chestnuts and for those who want to rediscover the medieval traditions: the chestnuts and the other "forgotten fruits" have played an important role in the 'SUPPLY food of medieval people (and pets), especially in mountainous areas. Suffice it to say that in some parts of Italy a few chestnuts were planted on purpose just to take advantage of the versatility of the fruit could be eaten boiled or used to make polenta cakes. This explains anche perchè nel Medioevo le castagne venivano chiamate pane d'albero...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Miniskirts And Hi Heels With Old Man

Vivere sani nel Delta del Po


Friday, November 20, 2009 Source: The voice

For the priority that we have data, in addition to the arrangement of the network
water, is the arrangement of the former
which appears today as a landfill
open and that represents the country
a real emergency, this emergency
therefore will produce the maximum
effort "


Friday, March 26, 2010 The Voice source

Regarding Bottrighe,
in any case, along with D'Angelo
Deputy Mayor, Councillor
we are evaluating different solutions to clean up the area
of Polichimica,

that currently pours into a terrible state of decay,

comparable to a true and proper disposal.

Monday, September 6, 2010 in my future memory.

The huge mountain of nylon always there, the gates are open, no living soul inside, some bodies do not need supervision. The sun, rain and frost are slowly disintegrating the mountain, the wind acts as a pusher and distributes to each of us the right amount of invisible dust, a product of disintegration of plastic. They call them "fine", some say that's not good to breathe continuously, others that were always sad to say now instead of when they breathe dust sotiili are happy and elated for the whole day, mah? we see that everyone makes a different effect, but we hit the pile will disappear in a few centuries, drawn from our nostrils and generzioni future.

... emergency .... maximum effort .... remediation .... choice of solutions .... pitiful degradation ..... real dump ... open dump ... ass rubber ... Bottrighe the calf's head ... ... ... Polichimica the Bettina scaraccio ... anyway ... Beppe chen and fjoi by Cavan ... arrangement of .... priorities ...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sadlier Vocab Units E

Meravigliose creature

Among the many wonderful creatures that inhabit the land, place, and in my electronic diary photos of that great hunter who is Michele Mendi, other photos on his website.

It sandgrouse ( Pterocles alchata ), the photos tell the whole story in the Western Palearctic living in Spain and Turkey. Beautiful, good and Michele.

Click on photo to enlarge.