the community 'we lived for almost a month and it' been a tutto sommato positiva a parte queste note dolenti che lasciano l'amaro in bocca. I Queros stanno tentando attraverso un progetto di turismo responsabile di creare posti di lavoro all'interno della comunita' in modo da facilitare l'eventuale rientro dei membri che sono emigrati verso le citta' o i paesi limitrofi in cerca di lavoro. Il nostro compito era quello di dare una consulenza e un parere sul progetto ancora in costruzione.
E' un argomento piuttosto delicato poiche' si sa che il turismo puo' essere un'arma a doppio taglio, in ogni caso il progetto non prevede invasioni di gringos, insomma non si vuole proporre un turismo di massa in una comunita' che e' abituata a vivere nella tranquillita' della selva. Quello che piu' mi preoccupa e' la perdita' roots, with the loss of the idiom the community 'would be converted into a community' with the campesinos of archaic traditions and customs on display only at the arrival of tourists and then actually lost in everyday life. The
Queros engaged in the hunting and fishing in an ever more 'reduced it will reduce the population grow rice, yucca, plantains, coca and harvest the fruits of the forest in a completely sustainable, that' for the sheer livelihood of the community ' .
Life 'simple but not poor: if Queros were to disappear it would not be for lack of sources of livelihood, but the exodus of its components.
traditions are handed down orally of course. The woman most 'old of the community' Estela told us about the past history of his people, the wars with the other communities 'songs and dances and feast days that drinking masato is a' abbardente made with yucca. One day, he also sang in Huachipaeri, a couple of bars of a song that apparently spoke of the sad death. The Spaniard spoke it badly and maybe after a few minutes of conversation began to speak in his own language without realizing it, quiet as if we could understand .. Bette laugh! We had a picture of her, but when we went we found that to develop the film was burned. She 's the best memory' good that I still have this experience.
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