Saturday, November 3, 2007

Gay Cruising In Mount Pleasant Perth

Middle Chile and then .. La Paz ...

Dear! ! ... where were we? More than 2000 km 'south .. hehe we're on the road for almost a month and tell the truth 'does not even know where to start to tell, so' proceed with order, but 'dispersed and scattered!
Yesterday we left Chile, we are already 'in Bolivia in La Paz, a city' messy and full of colors, I have the impression that we will stay here a bit 'of time, it seems that there is much to see and do.
Today we visited a district, on a hill above one of the squares 'main city', is full of shops and boutiques of all kinds .. interesting! almost all workshops, the majority Aymara, selling clothing (sweaters, bags, pants, etc. ..), musical instruments, food and fruit juices of all kinds. The roads here and stink smell at the same time, "a broad range of smells and sensations" ecstasy ... to retching eheh 'cause when you see the old man with the deep fryer placed in the middle of the sidewalk full of pieces of pork the size of your head, and' a good show, carrattesristico, but 'better hold their noses, especially if the oil looks black paint ... .. The shops
most 'beautiful, at least for me, are those of musical instruments. They are all hand-made guitars, flutes and charangos of all types and sizes, price is absolutely ridiculous, and I have the idea that 'to remain here a fortnight to get some' classes charango (Andean chitarredda the , to put it simply), then turn a bit 'for the country, and maybe even turn it all back in La Paz before going to Peru' and take some other class, at least to learn the basics of the instrument ... just write me laugh alone .. see how it goes', though I realize that it is not just a duffer I buy un bel charangheddo!!

L'addio al Cile e' stato rapido ed inaspettato. Eravamo a Putre, un paesino altiplanico a 3600m, stavamo boccheggiando.. ogni dieci passi bisognava fermarsi a tirare il fiato, solo il fiato eh.. non fatevi idee strane.. c'erano rimasti pochi soldi in tasca e non era possibile ritirare, allora ci siamo fatti portare dal paesino alla strada principale (5 km circa) e da li' abbiamo preso il pullman che andava dritto a La Paz. Saremmo rimasti in Cile quattro giorni in piu' per vedere il Parco Lauca, il lago Chungara', il paesino di Parinacota e vari vulcani, tutte cose che poi abbiamo visto dal pullman che passava proprio di la'!! gran culo...
Il Cile mi ha lasciato dei bellissimi ricordi, soprattutto nelle weeks of travel to the north.
The days spent in volunteer work I did know one of the many reality 'of this huge country. I had the chance to 'share days with a Chilean family, I learned more' in those days that in three months of travel.
Travelling without a support and moving every 3 or 4 days by a city 'to the other, cultural exchange and I' certainly not, Chileans are courteous and always willing to give information and answers, but 'to establish relationships and 'obviously impossible, for the simple fact that the day after you leave or you have other programs. Chile and also the 'result quite expensive, so there was a bit' in a hurry to arrive in Bolivia.
And 'certainly a beautiful country, a year of travel is not sufficient to meet all its beauty, NEAC and probably would not be enough to get to know its problems.
In three months of travel, however, a somewhat 'ideas if does, and then how is Chile? seems to me that is a bit 'lily-.. is in the midst of strong economic growth, which has all the aspects of Western-style economic growth, many more 'people can have access to consumer goods (futili. ..) that were probably unimaginable, television provides models standard of conduct, which in Europe are familiar with (great scourges, operations triumph, will be famous, etc. ..), many young people on the street, fortunately not all it seems that they have learned well the lesson in, many small taricone, Constantine or how the fuck you call those morons who occupy the sad everyday 'of the average .. is clear that poverty still exists, but 'the country begins to assume an aspect that somehow reminded me of Europe and the Western model.
's Chilean economy is based fundamentally on three pillars, agriculture, grazing and mining: copper, silver, gold and much more. The minimum wage in Chile 'of 144,000 pesos, which amounts to 200 euro, I can assure you that a family with one salary he lives with his noose around his neck ..
The mine is absolutely the mistress, Australian multinational companies working in Chile, U.S. and Canada, these companies are supported by the Codelco, public enterprise that deals with the extraction of copper.
not stand 'them to explain the policies of foreign multinationals that are obviously unscrupulous, a famous mail run for a while' and refers to Barrick Gold and glaciers that wants to destroy, 'but interesting' their position in front of Chilean this reckless exploitation of mineral resources. The mine pays well, good loooong .. ehee mica are dumb looters, a place in the mine can 'correspond to a salary of 400/500mila pesos, we talk about positions available, a mine boss can' get to a salary equal to 12000 € here and that 'a fortune .. essentially the miners are willing to make destroy their lands, mountains, glaciers etc. 'cause in return can provide their families a decent life.
I do not feel blame, guilt and 'new and more unscrupulous companies who create art for this type of situation to get the silent consent of the employees who do not really have much choice.
Apart from the negative side there is 'still a lot of nice people in Chile, music and' preserved as a national heritage, young people play! one sees that many are "de mochileo (travel) throughout Chile with guitars, Andean flutes and charangos pulling up the money to pay for travel, and there 'a will' to maintain their roots, especially by of the Mapuche people, ever struggle to assert its sacred rights.
a bit 'long? buff are cracked but dear 'was a dutiful riassuntino .. I would have much to say about the places I saw, however, 'to let the pictures speak!

Hugs to everyone and in particular to the Walls family, gathered for one of our typical eating binges ... eheh tantu not connosco bos!

the next cia '


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