Merry Christmas, happy holidays, good food, good booze, etc.. etc..
I love you!
For all those who have already received the email APOYABOLIVIA, please sign it and turn it to all your contacts!
For those who do not know what it is .. I explain briefly .. 're starting a chain email to collect signatures in favor of the new Bolivian Constitution, with the intention of then turn them directly to the Bolivian government as a sign of solidarity, the text of the email and 'available for everyone at the site http://apoyabolivia. spaces.live.com / , and 'can copy it to an email and send it after signing it, and' available, for now, in three languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English and English), we're waiting for the translations into French, Swedish and German poi forse anche altre.. insomma speriamo che l'iniziativa riesca.
Buon Anno belli io me ne vado in viaggio di nuovo, vi lascio un bel video
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Australian Toaster Biscuits
Eduardo Galeano
Ho scoperto Galeano, sto leggendo "Patas arriba" (A testa in giu'). Gran bel libro penso ne leggero' altri. Vi butto giu' un po' di informazioni prese da wikipedia.
Domenica triste.. ha diluviato tutto il giorno e ormai c'é voglia di andar via da Santa Cruz, il 22 si parte per Trinidad.. lookin'forward..
Un abbraccio a tutti
Utopia's horizon. I go up two steps, she turns away in two steps. I make ten steps and the horizon of ten paces away. As you walk, do not overtake ever. What is utopia? To this: You can walk.
Eduardo Hughes Galeano (Montevideo , September 3 1940) is a journalist and Uruguayan writer whose books have been translated into many languages. His works transcend genres which combine canonical documentation, narrative, journalism, political analysis and history. The author himself does not acknowledge that history, saying: "I am a writer haunted by the memory, especially by the memory of the past ' America and, in particular, the' Latin America, the land beloved sentenced to ' amnesia. "
Open Veins of Latin America ( Las Venas abiertas de América Latina) is indisputably the most famous work of Galeano, a powerful indictment of the exploitation of ' Latin America by foreign powers since the fifteenth century today.
Memory fire (fuego Memory) is a tale in three parts (Genesis, Faces and Masks, Century of wind) of soria of North and South I personaggi sono figure storiche: generali, artisti, rivoluzionari, lavoratori, conquistatori e conquistati che vengono ritratti in brevi episodi che riflettono la storia coloniale del continente. Comincia con i miti precolombiani della crazione e finisce nel 1986 .
Memoria del fuoco (Memoria del fuego) fu ampiamente elogiato dai critici letterari. Galeano fu paragonato a John Dos Passos e a Gabriel García Márquez . Ronald Wright scrisse sul Times Literary Supplement: "I grandi scrittori... dissolvono i vecchi generi per fondarne di nuovi. Questa trilogia di uno degli scrittori più coraggiosi e raffinati dell' America latina è di difficile classificazione".
Galeano is also an avid football fan "Splendours and miseries of football" (1997) is an analysis of the history of this sport . Galeano compares to a theatrical play and a war is critical of the infamous pact with the multinationals and attack the intellectuals of the left who refuse, for ideological reasons, the game and its appeal against the masses.
Memory fire (fuego Memory) is a tale in three parts (Genesis, Faces and Masks, Century of wind) of soria of North and South I personaggi sono figure storiche: generali, artisti, rivoluzionari, lavoratori, conquistatori e conquistati che vengono ritratti in brevi episodi che riflettono la storia coloniale del continente. Comincia con i miti precolombiani della crazione e finisce nel 1986 .
Memoria del fuoco (Memoria del fuego) fu ampiamente elogiato dai critici letterari. Galeano fu paragonato a John Dos Passos e a Gabriel García Márquez . Ronald Wright scrisse sul Times Literary Supplement: "I grandi scrittori... dissolvono i vecchi generi per fondarne di nuovi. Questa trilogia di uno degli scrittori più coraggiosi e raffinati dell' America latina è di difficile classificazione".
Galeano is also an avid football fan "Splendours and miseries of football" (1997) is an analysis of the history of this sport . Galeano compares to a theatrical play and a war is critical of the infamous pact with the multinationals and attack the intellectuals of the left who refuse, for ideological reasons, the game and its appeal against the masses.
The book of hugs (2005) (El libro de los abrazos)
The lips of time (2004) (Bocas del Tiempo)
an uncertain state of grace (with Sebastião Salgado Ritchin and Fred (2002) (An Uncertain Grace)
Memory of Fire (2001) (Memory del Fuego)
A testa in giù (1999) (Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World)
Parole in cammino (1998) (errant words)
gioco Splendori and misery of calcium (1997) (Football to sun and shade)
Vagamundo (1992)
Conquest scoprì che non l'America (1992) (El Tigre Azul and other items)
Giorni e notti di amore e di guerra (1987) (Days and Nights of Love and war) Le vene aperte dell'America
America (1970) (The Open Veins of Latin America)
The lips of time (2004) (Bocas del Tiempo)
an uncertain state of grace (with Sebastião Salgado Ritchin and Fred (2002) (An Uncertain Grace)
Memory of Fire (2001) (Memory del Fuego)
A testa in giù (1999) (Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World)
Parole in cammino (1998) (errant words)
gioco Splendori and misery of calcium (1997) (Football to sun and shade)
Vagamundo (1992)
Conquest scoprì che non l'America (1992) (El Tigre Azul and other items)
Giorni e notti di amore e di guerra (1987) (Days and Nights of Love and war) Le vene aperte dell'America
America (1970) (The Open Veins of Latin America)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Showdownfishfinderfor Sale
Poetry poem ... Santa Cruz
"La fabbrica the verse"
Alla fabbrica del verso
tutto é calmo, tutto é spento,
son rimasti i fogli bianchi
e la polvere degli anni
sopra gli sgabelli.
I cervelli son fuggiti verso nord,
verso nord,
brains have fled to the north.
The candles have already planted
tears of hard wax
and books now crumpled
if they eat insects.
Scricchiolan small mouth
ignored by the silence.
the factory to
everything is turned off, everything is calm,
clock blind
beats at the time void.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Supplies Do You Need Dog
Here we are! So then I tell you? In reality 'I do not have much to say, we are in the process of stagnation ... I am experiencing the Bolivian routine .. ayay that sadness, but as you go on the road and you find yourself doing things that you were here .. Well you '... alarm clock and coffee 'beard and bide' .. not really, but almost. It 'started volunteering at Santa Cruz, Bolivia, the Noel Kempff Mercado Foundation, a foundation that takes care of the salvagurdia flora and fauna of the National Park in the Bolivian.
At least I had been sent there in the jungle .. are in the office behind a computer ... shit aaaaahhh again ...
Seriously is not to be so 'evil, and work' is also interesting, I just finished translating the website in English and another project on Parab Azul a parrot endangered. The hours are very flexible, such that when we present ourselves in the office, usually at 9 and we have breakfast until 9.30am while the others already hard at work 'for an hour, but so are not paid and actually not' having too much work to give us. .. in fact we were coming here to go to work in the park, except there were some problems are, and do not ask me what 'cause I still do not understand them .. and maybe even the fact is that we are still here and the bottom is fine to rest a bit, 'cause here there' all the kitchen, a bedroom with huge bathroom and television, internet, all for free. In short we are dealing with luxury.
The City 'is not the best, and' molto piu’ ordinata e pulita rispetto a La Paz e molto meno movimentata. E’ la capitale della regione piu’ ricca di tutto il Bolivia, con una forte spinta autonomista... non so se avete sentito i casini che son successi da poco con la Costituente e l’approvazione della nuova costituzione.
In pratica l’Assemblea Costituente si e’ riunita piu’ o meno una settimana fa e ha approvato la riforma della Costituzione Boliviana, (simile per molti aspetti alla nuova Costituzione venezuelana, bocciata per una manciata di voti dal referendum di avant’ieri). Si e’ riunita asserragliata e protetta da militari facendo nascere manifestazioni di protesta per le strade di Sucre, c’e’ stato un gran casino and four dead and not 'was not easy to obtain objective information about what was going on. Six out of nine departments have opposed with demonstrations and strikes, declaring unconstitutional the actions of the Constituent Assembly. In Santa Cruz all the news and the newspapers we saw were extremely opposed to regional and Morales have called murderess, dictator, the streets are full of written death threats to the president, was organized strikes are short, there ' was a good deal 'of stress.
These are more 'or not the facts, which may be subject to a thousand interpretations, what it' is normal. Personally I think the key points of the reform are valid, and the manner in which 'met the constituent assembly is still shameful.
Morales wants to nationalize Bolivia's main resources, forcing 'foreign investors and large multinational oil companies to leave the country and allowing Bolivia to be the first beneficiary of his wealth, there is' a program of redistribution of wealth and the properties 'privacy will be' protected by the constitution anyway. Compulsory education up to secondary schools (included), good for children to buy school books and other measures which seemed to me good, also there will be 'next year as a referendum in Venezuela to know if the people want reform or not.
It 'obvious that if the constitution should never change the facts, it will take' some time to see results, what it 'is logical that in a poor country that seeks to begin to stand on its own feet.
other hand, there are factions autonomist strongly against the measures (6 departments of 9), it also seems that the Constituent Assembly has met and has approved all without meeting there were two-thirds of presence (which is quite serious! !), and hence 'game and the protest by the fact that Morales has cut funding to the regions in order to submit a pension allocated to all Bolivians over 60 years of age'. Here again I would not have anything to say, but we know many do not think so '.. especially traders, entrepreneurs and various investors. Indeed it is these that send out the protests and strikes. And although not a majority, are more 'casino than a billion poor, television constantly follows them in their "struggle against terrorism and dictatorship", in interviews where you do not tire of repeating how much freedom' the government is removing the , in their hunger strikes in talleur etc.. I start to do some 'crap, because it' s quite obvious that the only thing they fear 'that of losing their benefits and a portion of their wealth, of freedom 'of the country does not care much, but its also too, would be willing to support a new pro-American government in order to keep the standard of living ever. Seem to see our Northern League, with a racism toward the Indians not so 'explicit, but nonetheless present. I suspect he does not go down 'that is really an Indian to govern themselves and waiting for a pretext to "derrotarlo" as they say here, that' it out governno.
Meanwhile a delegation of the Assembly and opponents 'playing for the United States, to present complaint to the UN and' OAS (Organization of American States), will be welcomed with open arms! Soprattutto da quest’ultima...
La situazione e’ ora un po’ piu’ tranquilla pero’ solo fino al 15 dicembre quando la costituzione verra’ approvata articolo per articolo; e’ possibile che la costitutuente approvi di nuovo tutto senza avere i due terzi e allora si che la cosa sarebbe davvero gravissima e il MAS (partito di governo) non avrebbe nessun argomento di difesa, visto che infrangerebbe l’attuale costituzione. i movimenti autonomi promettono proteste senza precedenti, penso ci sara’ un gran casino.
Questa la situazione, almeno quello che so, se ne sapete di piu’ potete scrivere qua o alla mia mail, cosi’ mi dite cosa arriva in Italia e se se ne parla, spero di non have bored you but it 's almost impossible not to be interested in what being here.
Meanwhile I am continuing to play the charango that I've bought in La Paz and chitarredda, quiet life and writing little thing that comes to my mind ... soon as you go on a trip somewhere I put a little 'photos. Until next
cia '!
Seriously is not to be so 'evil, and work' is also interesting, I just finished translating the website in English and another project on Parab Azul a parrot endangered. The hours are very flexible, such that when we present ourselves in the office, usually at 9 and we have breakfast until 9.30am while the others already hard at work 'for an hour, but so are not paid and actually not' having too much work to give us. .. in fact we were coming here to go to work in the park, except there were some problems are, and do not ask me what 'cause I still do not understand them .. and maybe even the fact is that we are still here and the bottom is fine to rest a bit, 'cause here there' all the kitchen, a bedroom with huge bathroom and television, internet, all for free. In short we are dealing with luxury.
The City 'is not the best, and' molto piu’ ordinata e pulita rispetto a La Paz e molto meno movimentata. E’ la capitale della regione piu’ ricca di tutto il Bolivia, con una forte spinta autonomista... non so se avete sentito i casini che son successi da poco con la Costituente e l’approvazione della nuova costituzione.
In pratica l’Assemblea Costituente si e’ riunita piu’ o meno una settimana fa e ha approvato la riforma della Costituzione Boliviana, (simile per molti aspetti alla nuova Costituzione venezuelana, bocciata per una manciata di voti dal referendum di avant’ieri). Si e’ riunita asserragliata e protetta da militari facendo nascere manifestazioni di protesta per le strade di Sucre, c’e’ stato un gran casino and four dead and not 'was not easy to obtain objective information about what was going on. Six out of nine departments have opposed with demonstrations and strikes, declaring unconstitutional the actions of the Constituent Assembly. In Santa Cruz all the news and the newspapers we saw were extremely opposed to regional and Morales have called murderess, dictator, the streets are full of written death threats to the president, was organized strikes are short, there ' was a good deal 'of stress.
These are more 'or not the facts, which may be subject to a thousand interpretations, what it' is normal. Personally I think the key points of the reform are valid, and the manner in which 'met the constituent assembly is still shameful.
Morales wants to nationalize Bolivia's main resources, forcing 'foreign investors and large multinational oil companies to leave the country and allowing Bolivia to be the first beneficiary of his wealth, there is' a program of redistribution of wealth and the properties 'privacy will be' protected by the constitution anyway. Compulsory education up to secondary schools (included), good for children to buy school books and other measures which seemed to me good, also there will be 'next year as a referendum in Venezuela to know if the people want reform or not.
It 'obvious that if the constitution should never change the facts, it will take' some time to see results, what it 'is logical that in a poor country that seeks to begin to stand on its own feet.
other hand, there are factions autonomist strongly against the measures (6 departments of 9), it also seems that the Constituent Assembly has met and has approved all without meeting there were two-thirds of presence (which is quite serious! !), and hence 'game and the protest by the fact that Morales has cut funding to the regions in order to submit a pension allocated to all Bolivians over 60 years of age'. Here again I would not have anything to say, but we know many do not think so '.. especially traders, entrepreneurs and various investors. Indeed it is these that send out the protests and strikes. And although not a majority, are more 'casino than a billion poor, television constantly follows them in their "struggle against terrorism and dictatorship", in interviews where you do not tire of repeating how much freedom' the government is removing the , in their hunger strikes in talleur etc.. I start to do some 'crap, because it' s quite obvious that the only thing they fear 'that of losing their benefits and a portion of their wealth, of freedom 'of the country does not care much, but its also too, would be willing to support a new pro-American government in order to keep the standard of living ever. Seem to see our Northern League, with a racism toward the Indians not so 'explicit, but nonetheless present. I suspect he does not go down 'that is really an Indian to govern themselves and waiting for a pretext to "derrotarlo" as they say here, that' it out governno.
Meanwhile a delegation of the Assembly and opponents 'playing for the United States, to present complaint to the UN and' OAS (Organization of American States), will be welcomed with open arms! Soprattutto da quest’ultima...
La situazione e’ ora un po’ piu’ tranquilla pero’ solo fino al 15 dicembre quando la costituzione verra’ approvata articolo per articolo; e’ possibile che la costitutuente approvi di nuovo tutto senza avere i due terzi e allora si che la cosa sarebbe davvero gravissima e il MAS (partito di governo) non avrebbe nessun argomento di difesa, visto che infrangerebbe l’attuale costituzione. i movimenti autonomi promettono proteste senza precedenti, penso ci sara’ un gran casino.
Questa la situazione, almeno quello che so, se ne sapete di piu’ potete scrivere qua o alla mia mail, cosi’ mi dite cosa arriva in Italia e se se ne parla, spero di non have bored you but it 's almost impossible not to be interested in what being here.
Meanwhile I am continuing to play the charango that I've bought in La Paz and chitarredda, quiet life and writing little thing that comes to my mind ... soon as you go on a trip somewhere I put a little 'photos. Until next
cia '!
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